About Us
We are the largest provider of driver education services in Western North Carolina serving nine public school systems and over 5,000 student drivers each year.
Mountain Professionals, Inc. (MPI) was formed in 1992 when North Carolina removed driver education from the normal school-day curriculum. Seeing a need to provide this service, Lee Roy and Sue Ledford formed MPI and started with three contracts and six automobiles. Over the past 32 years, MPI has grown to nine contracts and a fleet of forty-five vehicles. MPI now has a faculty/staff of 60 professionals. Of these, 55 have BA/BS degrees, seventeen have MA/MS degrees, one has an EDS, six are National Board Certified, and two are North Carolina Teaching Fellows. All have DPI/DMV certification in their chosen academic area. We maintain a personal approach and are able to meet a wide spectrum of individual needs, including Private Adult Lessons (see menu).
MPI can provide complete instruction to each of its clients in preparation for becoming a competent, safe driver under a variety of road conditions. MPI has certified and highly qualified teachers with access to safety-equipped, clearly-identifiable automobiles. All teachers maintain DMV certification by attending in-service training, and all MPI instructors belong to the North Carolina Driver and Safety Education Association (NCDTESA).